Sunday, April 1, 2012


This pair of wear worn Sketchers came from a garage sale that I went to last year.  I paid .50 for them because they looked so comfy and I loved the style.  They were brown and had seen better days but I just had to try to give them a second chance. Good boots are like good friends when you love them you don't care what they look like.

  After several coats of spray paint I Modge Podged some lace over the top of them and then used a water proof Modge Podge to finish coat them.
 Tom cat really likes them, I tried to snap a picture without him in it but he wouldn't hear of it. I guess he too loves a good pair of boots.
Kitty and Boots, life is good.


Matthew 28:5
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said

Tea Cup Vignette

This is nothing more than a good illustration of my over active mind, it just keeps going and thinking and then eventually demanding that I paint something. Here I took one wooden candle holder and three tea cups that were just collecting dust in my cupboard.  I sprayed the entire piece pink and pasted yards and yards of pearl trim to the edges. I took some pieces from a lace curtain and made some roses and glued them on too.  The white letter box was an easy spray paint job and the little pink bowl has been sprayed pink and stenciled with the number 5. Easy yet nice to look at. 

Bird Feeder

I love the postings on Pinterest that say, "Today I will make something I saw on Pinterest."  I am always making something to take to the shopand for the record, I was repuposing before repurposing was cool...Pinterest just connects us all together as one big happy family. And by the way feel free to pin anything I post on my blog -that is why I do it so other people will be as happy as I am...share the love I always say.  I hardly ever make the same thing twice anyways so I am good with pinning just so you know.

I saw an idea on the Big Pin the other day and decided that I had to make one too. You take a vintage enamel bowl and put it on a wood pedastal candle base and make it into a bird feeder.  I had plenty of bowls to pick from but I wanted to use a fancier base.  I found this metal candle holder at the neighborhood thrift store and decided that it was perfect! I cut off the little metal nib that sticks up to hold the candle with some metal cutters and then spray painted it from black to fabulous.  I painted the rusty old knicked up pan because in its original state it was too messed up to use as it was.  I stenciled a Fluer de Lis on the inside and coated the entire thing several times with Krylon Spray top coat.  I glued the top to the bottom with E-6000 and let it dry overnight.  I gave it the once over and it seems to be holding well, E-6000 is great glue.

Well my Creative family hugs and blessings to you all, hope you make something real pretty today!

Coat Rack Rebirth

Here is  a wood piece I picked up from the flea market all gussied up and painted. It wasn't painted when I bought it and I really don't know what kind of furniture it was originally attached to.  It is very heavy maybe it was part of a head board or buffet, not sure.  I played around for over a year whether to paint or not to paint and decided it was mine and all that mattered that I was satisfied enough that in the end it would be shop worthy.
I gave it a coat of white and then let the fun begin. I had two house numbers that I tacked on first to get the ball rolling.  Next I found five coat hooks all different colors and spray painted them all to match.  If you look closely you can see that they are not all the same size but to me that is what gives it character so I was happy.  I also painted a bird that I had in the stash to match the hooks and tacked that on the front.   I printed out some graphics from The Graphics Fairy and then ran them through the printer again with "Paris Market" run over the top of the first printing.  I Modge Podged that onto the two oval sections and then attached tow D-rings to the back for hanging purposes.  I like the way it all came together, it only took me two years to get a plan together, ahhh worth the wait!

You Are Loved

I read the book "The Help" and finally got to watch the movie and it was awesome. What a great book and movie, very inspirational. I think it meant so much to me because I was born in the mid 50's and can remember how things were. I am from Michigan and not the South but we still had our growing pains in the 60's and it was difficult.  I think about the scene were Aiblileen tells Mae Mobely, "You is kind, you is good, you is important."  What a message.  I was so moved by that, Aibeleen was such a wonderful person even in the midst of her own personal turmoil she had the strength of character to encourage someone else.  What a courageous woman!

In my stash of goods I found this ornate mirror hat no one seemed to be interested in its original state.  It was very nice but the color was reddish brown and I guess didn't go with most decors.  I decided it would be perfect to make into a statement piece reminding others about how important it is to believe in themselves.  If we don't believe in ourselves we can never believe in other people or encourage them.  Thank you Kathryn Stockett for the great message you laid out in your book, we all need to be encouraged so we in turn can encourage others.

As a person looks into this mirror they can't help but read that they are loved.  I hope that is true with you that you have someone who care for you fondly for all people deserve to be loved.

New International Version
Romans 5:8
 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

There is aways Someone who loves us all..............

Garden Table

I went to the Re Store in Greenville the other day and found a really nice door for 5.00- most of the things there are out of my price range but this door was just right.  It was probably once part of a bi-fold closet door in some one's bedroom.  I love making garden tables I have made several and the best thing is you start with a discarded door and just keep adding things.  Right off the bat I knew that I would use two other doors and a drawer making my masterpiece.  I put them all together and started painting away very pleased with the progress and yet it still needed something.  All I had to do was look up....hmmm heard that before and it is always the truth.  When in doubt look up! Well this was no exception for hanging on the wall was a chair shelf I had made some time ago.  I love taking old chairs that don't have all their legs and chop them up some more and make them into shelves. You can buy reproduction ones at the fancy decorating stores but nothing beats a vintage farm chair hanging on the wall piled high with delightful treasures. 
This particular chair shelf had been waiting for just the right time to make its debut.  I needed something to complete this project and I knew that this was just what I was looking for. You know how they say Necessity is the Mother of Invention, she is my BFF we are inseparable.  As you can see the chair was a perfect fit.  I did add another drawer on a shelf on the bottom half, you can never have too many places to stash wonderful things.

This is the chair shelf I have hanging in my house.  I thought I would post this picture so you could see another chair shelf I made.